Do women belong in the kitchen?

I think that women belong in the kitchen!
And celebrity chef Daniel Boulud couldn’t agree more with me! As we all know, women chefs have been behind the success of top restaurants and culinary shows all around the world.
Julia Child (California), Padma Lakshmi (India), Rachel Ray (New York), Pim Techamuanvivit (Thailand), Katia Barbosa (Brasil), Nigella Lawson (London), and Eugénie Brazier (France), known as “la mère Brazier” and are just a few of them.
According to Gwendal Poullenec, director of the MICHELIN Guides, an unprecedented number of new star-studded restaurants are led by women.
In a recent interview I did with Chef Daniel, I asked him If he has ever worked with a woman chef. With many female chefs in his kitchen, he states that “I have many friends who are women chefs, and that sensibility and that connection with food, it’s sometimes very different than a man, but it has more expression in a way.”
Daniel told me (not so) secretly the names of a few of his favorite female chefs and for your delight here they are:
Katia Barbosa (restaurant Aconchego Carioca – Brazil – RJ), Roberta Sudbrack (Brazil – RS), Giovanna Grossi (Brazil – France), Dominique Crenn (USA – SF), Helene Darroze (France),
Clare Smyth (Ireland), Melissa Rodriguez (USA – NY).
Now, for the first time, he offers gourmet takeout and delivery from all his restaurants including his most exclusive one, Restaurant Daniel, where a few months ago guests were required to wear jackets to be seated.
As indoor dining is still prohibited in NYC, a sidewalk terrace was opened offering seats separated by acrylic partitions, scannable menus, and sanitizing stations. In addition, all employees must wear masks, gloves, and test for Covid-19 antibodies every three weeks.
Other changes include the removal of the prefix dinner, a smaller menu, and a drop of 60% on the price.
Proving that changes are here to stay, Chef Daniel prepares to reopen its indoor seatings soon by redecorating his flagship restaurant and transforming it into a festive and relaxed ambiance. Green plants, fewer tables, a bar and lounge seats separated by dividers, and a Mediterranean menu with a provençale flavor, promise to transport guests to a seaside village from the French Riviera.
“Women can be a Chef and plan a family and be able to run a business!” said Boulud.
Sônia Yaghoubi
🥳 congrats Ilana, adoro seu blog, sempre posting interesting news. There is a film you must see called Flying Plates about restaurantes and his daring inventions. He got 4 Michelins and opened 2 restaurantes in Chicago.
Ilana Lipsztein
Sonia querida obrigada por visitar meu blog e pela dica!! Vou procurar o filme. xox