How successful are you? take our quiz and FIND out!

If I were to give you a questionnaire that would tell you how successful you are, would you take it? Chances are, you would be very curious and would feel very comforted if the questionnaire revealed that you are successful or perhaps that you are on the right track and will reach success in just a few months.
Or… how likely are you to stop when a Fortune Teller corners you on the street and tells you she can read your future? I can bet your mind takes you to a state of blindness where your heart beats fast and you hope that someone will tell you what you would like to hear. It takes any rationality right out of your head (and pocket).
It happened to me folks.
Last year, just a couple of days before I moved to Florida and started a new business, a woman stopped me in the street in Midtown, Manhattan. She had a soft voice and her eyes were sharp and smart. She followed me and asked if I would like to know if my next endeavor would be successful. Gosh, I thought, how the hell does she know what I am going through?
The question echoed in my mind. “Will I be successful?” I couldn’t help myself. In less than 10 minutes there I was, sitting in a coffee shop with a stranger that seemed to know everything about my life.
Later in the day when I got home I felt embarrassed of myself. The woman handed me her card and told me if I wanted to know more about my future, I should call her and she would be available for a consultation.
I didn’t call her.
Looking back, I ask myself, what makes us so anxious to know if we are or will be successful in life?
And what is success anyways?
The Fortune Teller told me that my move to Miami was precipitated and that the business I was about to sign would fly like an eagle.
Well. I came back to Miami after a year and the business I signed stopped right there on that piece of paper.
Am I a loser?
During quarantine, when the world stopped I was able to reflect about this question.
When you are locked in your home and away from your social circle, all you have is yourself and whatever you build around you. A family, a partner, a zoo….
And my question to you is, what did you do with your time when you had to place all your dreams on the backburner until you were able to come back and move forward with them? Success for me is to be able to look at yourself and to see a life you are proud of. What have you done that made you feel good about yourself? No matter how big or small your action was, we all have things we can be proud of.
A lot of people I know see success and money as the same thing. The truth is that I know a lot of people with a lot of money that feel miserable. No matter what they achieve financially, it will never be enough.
And the other way around too. People that wish they could have more money and think their happiness is only measured by the numbers in their bank account.
Look, there are no rules for this.
I think now, more than ever, when “we are all in the same storm but in different boats,” we have an opportunity to look inward and be proud of our achievements.
I can say that I am happy to find out that being locked in the same apartment with my family made us even closer. In many ways, we have grown to understand each other more. To me, this is a triumph.
What about you? What are you proud of these days?
To help you guys a little, I have a test here that will help you answer the question: How Successful Are You?
- I have a friend. Y/N
- I have a hobby that brings me joy. Y/N
- If I become “successful” sometimes I feel like a fraud. Y/N
- I see other people’s success as my failure. Y/N
- My friends would resent me if I were to become successful. Y/N
- If I were to talk about my accomplishments, people would think I’m a loser. Y/N
- I care about what people think about me. Y/N
- I feel humiliated when I fall. Y/N
- Being in the right place at the right time is important. Y/N
- The amount of money I have measures how successful I am. Y/N
- I do the best I can to achieve my goal. Y/N
- There is something in my life that I am proud of. Y/N
There are no right answers ….I hope these questions help you reflect a little about yourself. I am here with my crystal ball and although we haven’t met yet, I know that you are a lot more successful than you think you are. There is always room for growth, of course, but at the end of the day, we are all doing the best we can and if you are working on yourself, you will have a lot to feel proud of.
Let me know what you are working on these days!! We are all a Work in Progress.
Leonaro sc hulmann
adorei foi incrivel
Ilana Lipsztein
Leooooo passou por aqui!!! beijinhos e obrigada. somos um sucesso ne?
Carol Napadensky
Ilana I enjoy reading your blog
I wish you all the best always. Beijo
Ilana Lipsztein
Thank you so much Carol, for stopping here and reading my blog. I hope you and your family are healthy! sending hugs and love!
Maravilha filha cada crônica melhor que a outra ... Adorei!
Muito boa a crônica, Adorei!