It is my thing!

Day after day she was there, sitting in my office breathing in the dust while time inevitably weighs on her body. She was hopeless. Every day it was the same. I would come into my office, turn on my computer, and start working for hours relentlessly on all kinds of tasks. By the time I was done, I was tired and frustrated. No matter how noisy, boring, or annoying my work was she would be still in the same place, motionless right behind my chair.
We two shared the same feelings of abandonment, rejection, and boredom. The pursuit of a dream was something that we read in books and watched in movies, but it didn’t seem to be part of our reality.
I remember the day that I started to pay attention to her. She was beautiful (and maybe a little dusty) and I was wondering if she wanted to play with me, which of course she did. So we sat together and made something beautiful together.
I loved her sound and she loved my hands we were made for each other. Our bond grew stronger that day and soon I was glued to her.
She had an owner already. I would need to ask that owner if she wouldn’t mind giving her to me.
So I went and asked my daughter if I could play her bass guitar.
She didn’t care, life had taken her in a totally different direction and the instrument was not part of her world anymore (hence the dust). I felt sad to see my daughter growing up so fast and moving away to her independence. I longed for the audition lines, the musical performances, and the dreams we used to dream together when she was on the stage, and I was her “Stage Mom.”
That bass and I ended up having a lot in common, so when we found each other we became inseparable.
I wondered if I could learn how to play at my age and I thought I had nothing to lose. I decided to give it a chance.
Two years have passed and here I am releasing my second song. It has taken courage and a little bit of detachment too—from what other people might think about me and my new life. It has been magical for both of us, the bass and me. We are a team!
So as I pack my daughter’s bags for college and my house sounds empty, the music fills my life and creates dreams I never thought I’d have. From Stage mom to mom on stage, here I am rocking and rolling into a new adventure.
solangen palatnik
Muito boa cronica,
Leitura adorável,
Mãe orgulhosa,