she ditched me during the lockdown

My lockdown in an NYC apartment was draining. Everyday doing all the same house tasks and only escaping with a quick take out. My husband, my youngest daughter and the dog Kiki would split our days between the laundry, the dishes, the cooking, and the TV. We would eat to the sounds of sirens and sleep through the quietest sound NYC ever heard.
I entered the kitchen and there she was, ready to leave me. It has been four months of quarantine and although we loved each other, the excessive amount of time we spent together was starting to take a toll on our relationship.
In the beginning, when we first met, it was simple. I would tell her what to do, and happily, she would start dancing around the living room, making sure I was pleased with her presence in my life.
And truly, I loved her. Life was so much easier with her around. I hardly noticed all the tasks around the house. She made everything peaceful.
But I was selfish. During quarantine, my true personality started to come out. I was bored, annoyed and unhappy. I felt locked and suffocated. After three months of watching TV with my family and working on the house full-time, there were no more topics to cover, no more movies to watch, no more dreams to dream.
Our family became this group of people at war with each other; barking at the smallest disagreements. I guess I don’t blame her for wanting to leave. It was getting pretty tense around here.
That morning I walked into the kitchen and I saw her adjusting her wheels, directing them to the door just waiting for someone to open it for her. Our Roomba gave up on us. We were devastated. How do you explain to your kids that even your vacuum robot just can’t stand your family anymore? It was heartbreaking. The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us.
I watched the front door open for the delivery guy. Without so much as a little “Zzzz,” she left.
Sometimes you don’t really know how much you love someone until you lose them.
Goodbye Roomba. Be careful with the stairs.
Leda Nussbaum
👏👏👏👏 Hilarious !!!